Winter Solstice and the Water Element

The Water Element is an intriguing one, and fitting for the Winter Solstice. In Chinese philosophy, the Water Element represents wisdom. But what does that mean? Water can be placid on the surface, yet it harbors a whole world of life beneath its surface. Our species has explored more of the surface of the moon than the depths of our oceans; our culture tends to look outward to explore and find inspiration, and our very own murky, dark depths and emotional realms are perhaps more intimidating, and remain largely unexplored. As most of you who know me likely know, this is the territory that I love to work with.

 Across cultures, the Winter Solstice has always been a time for deep introspection; to shift focus from outward action to the quiet places within us, to our inner worlds where dreams live. Just as it is necessary for seeds to lie dormant in the cool darkness before they send up shoots to create new life, we also require this time of rest and “Yin” before our ideas and dreams take shape.

 Water can be soft, soothing, and flexible, and yet it wields tremendous power and strength. It can be both calm and turbulent, and it’s persistence shapes earth and stone. In Chinese Medicine the Water Element’s season is Winter, and it is related to salty flavors, blue and black, the ears, fear, and it circulates in the Kidney and Bladder meridians. 

 I know the holidays can be busy and intense, but I hope each of you take some time for yourself to find some peace and stillness within the hubbub and obligations of family and work. If you need some help unwinding, see below for my holiday offerings, or let me know how else I can be of help. Happy Solstice, Holidays, and New Year! I'm grateful for every single one of you, and look forward to working with you in the New Year!